Winning isn’t Everything, it’s the Only Thing

Legendary American football coach Vince Lombardi famously declared “winning isn’t everything, it’s the only thing”. What he was indeed referring to was the will to win.

This mindset transcends into business and when it comes to property, debate is sparked immediately over when is the best time to buy and when is the best time to sell. Furthermore, our definition of “winning” may differ slightly.

For the investor or property flipper, it is buying at the perceived bottom of the market and selling at or near the peak. The reality is nobody can predict either end of the spectrum, however when it does come off the financial rewards are tremendous.

For those looking for a family home, a “win” is finding a property within your budget that is near perfect and is loved by the family. Not an easy task and for me this is the ultimate victory.

Those with a will to win will likely achieve the victory they are looking for if they secure a property in the next quarter. There are more family homes to choose from than we’ve seen for some time and the rental returns have not been this encouraging for 3 years.

To find out more, please reach out to me directly, or speak to any of our award winning team.


-Richard Baini


Richard Baini
Experienced. Strong Character. Energetic. Richard provides a professional service based on integrity, hard work and meticulous attention to detail. This is supported by the huge amount of referral work and repeat business he receives.
