Landlords Rewarded for Unprecedented Generosity
As expected, normality has returned to the real estate market. Australians are great adapters to adjustments and have recognised the property world isn’t caving in.
The real winners have been landlords who have seen tremendous growth in rent return. Why is this so? Well, as buyers become more nervous about diving into the market, they turn to renting until they are comfortable to buy again. With this huge increase in demand comes competition on the rental front. Interestingly enough, it is not uncommon to see spirited bidding for a rental property just as we see when selling a home.
This is a critical time for landlords to reassess the real value of their investment, both from a selling and renting perspective. For 2 to 3 years many landlords have sacrificed significant money to assist their tenants during tough times. To be fair, I’m delighted to see them rewarded because they have been the backbone of Australia’s economy and saved tens of thousands of people and families form unbearable struggles.
Investors are out in abundance seeking opportunities and rightly so. It’s their time. These are financially life changing times for people ready to seize such opportunities. Expert advice and making quick decisions are paramount. Our award winning expert team at Richard Matthews Real Estate are here to help.
To find out more, please reach out to me directly, or speak to any of our award winning team.
-Richard Baini