Take a Moment to Make a Moment
I’m so proud of the amazing service we provide for our valued clients at Richard Matthews Real Estate. What amazes me is the feedback I continually receive and what it is that people remember.
When you sell a property to or for someone, you’d think the sale would be the highlight, however what people often share with me is their appreciation for the flowers we bought for them and left in a vase on the dining table, the cheeseboard and knife on the kitchen bench, or the teddy bear in the child’s soon to be new bedroom.
At times we are dealing with multi million dollar purchases, yet it is the small things that everyone loves. It proves that people appreciate and remember the personal experiences more than the transaction, regardless of the financial win.
Whether we are at work or when it comes to our personal lives, let’s remember to take a moment to make a moment for somebody, each and every day.
To find out more, please reach out to me directly, or speak to any of our award winning team.
-Richard Baini