To Bid or Not to Bid
In Hamlet’s famous “nunnery scene”, Hamlet, possibly the world’s first Auctioneer, asked the crowd, “to bid or not to bid”?
The reason he asked this, is that during the 1300’s – 1400s the Reserve Bank of Elsinore in Denmark had just put up interest rates and homeowners were wondering whether they should bid or just sit back and wait to see what happens.
Shakespeare sensationally captured the emotion of buying a home. The nerves set in, there’s hesitation and the winners are the people who choose life over suffering and actually buy the property.
There is one conversation I’ve had more than any other in my near 30 year career. The one where somebody tells me what they could’ve bought a property for and what they should’ve bought. I know what the successful people I’ve met have done in similar environments. I admire their vision and ability to recognise opportunities.
To everyone else, when prices rise, I look forward to the usual chat around waiting for the market to fall and how hard it is to get into the market.
“There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so.” Hamlet , act 2 scene 2
To find out more, please reach out to me directly, or speak to any of our award winning team.
-Richard Baini